ScreenPlay Pro HD

Warning: This is a change in the Linux OS of the ScreenPlay Pro HD. Iomega may consider this a reason to void your warranty if do any of the actions listed. It is possible to mess up the operating system enough to make it no longer function. If you make these changes, you do so at your own risk.

Note: Iomega has provided a firmware update program that will restore the drive's firmware and operating system files.

Devices plugged into the USB port are visible to the drive, but not the network and those drives are mounted read only. This page is for those who want to modify it so that you can see the drives on the network and/or change data on them. If you only wish to expose the drives to the network without making them writable, then you can skip all the steps that involve "hotplug". If you want to write to the drive using the screenplay menu, but don't want to expose the drives to the network, then skip the steps editing the smb.conf file.

These instructions are for doing this process manually. IomTools includes this feature and can make the process easier if you do not feel comfortable applying this change.

The following instructions assume you have you have no familiarity with Linux, but general familiarity with Windows XP or Vista.

If you are using Vista or R1.8, you will need to enable telnet.

1. Download the file from this site.

2. Extract the hotplug file from the and put it in the root directory of your media player.

3. Open a telnet session prompt

4. Start ->> Run ->> telnet (replace the IP with your drive's IP address)

What you do
Iomega login:
type root
Warning about not being able to change to home directory is ok
type mount -o rw,remount / makes the first Linux drive writeable
type cp /sbin/hotplug /sbin/hotplug.bak makes a backup of your hotplug file. You can restore this by reversing the arguments.
type cp /tmp/hddmedia/hotplug /sbin/hotplug copies modified hotplug program over the existing one.
type chmod 755 /sbin/hotplug makes the hotplug file executable. It probably will already be that way.
type vi /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf edits the smb configuration file
type /usbshare and press the enter key this will find the first occurrence of the that word near the end of the file. Or you can scroll down with the arrow keys. If using R1.8 or later, you will not find the usbshare section, so just scroll down to the end of the file.

move the cursor to each of the ; in that section and press x to delete the semicolon. when finished, you should have something like:

comment = usbshare
path = /mnt/usbmounts/sda1
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes

If you have multiple devices, like a card reader or a USB Hub with multiple devices plugged in, they may show up as sda1, sdb1, sdc1, etc.depending on what order the device recognized them, although it can also skip. For instance, you could have just sdc1 and not sda1 or sdb1.

You can set up more with their own section name following the same template. Just press i to switch to insert mode so you can type, then press the esc key when you are done to exit insert mode. Also, you could remove the /sda1 from the path and all of the drives would show up.

For R1.8, type i to begin insert mode, type the entire section as shown on the left, and then press the esc key.

Type :wq Writes the files and exits out of the editor
Type exit logs out of the telnet session

Now turn off the ScreenPlay Pro HD and restart it. This will remount the main drive as read only, unmount the existing USB devices and remount them with the new hotplug program, and recognize the changes in samba that make the drives visible.
